Sunday, September 22, 2013

Conglomeration, In Class Discussion

      I think conglomeration can be a good or bad thing. It is positive because more money is raised and it is more efficient for one company to make all merchandise for a specific product. It is negative because of job loss, less competition, and less diversity of content. When there was multiple companies, there was many variety between products. After conglomeration the companies will most likely all take the same view on a topic. They do this because most people are not willing to critique their boss as they will be fired. Monopolies are a result of conglomeration. I think that horizontal monopolies are very bad because that company will not be criticized and some issues may not be included. If a company does not like a product, they do not have to promote it. This causes less diversity of content. Conglomeration can either help spread an idea or can make it seem less important.

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